Wednesday 14 March 2012

We Are Poets!

We have been very busy young people today in Nursery and Reception at Llanharan Primary School. We wrote a class poem together all about mini beasts! We also wrote our own individual efforts which describe our favourite bug. Miss Rose suggested that it would be nice to share our class poem with our parents and the world via our blog. So here it is...

By  Nursery and Reception Class

Bugs have rainbow coloured spots,
Bugs drink sparkling nectar from fabulous flowers,
Bugs live in a tickly spiders's tummy,
Bugs taste delicious, mmm,
Bugs are twirly and swirly,
We love bugs!

Thank you for taking the time to read our poem. I hope to broadcast it as a podcast within the next few days. We will also be presenting the poem as part of our end of topic class assembly. I think that it is a rather wonderful piece of writing produced by our class of 3,4 and 5 year olds. Well done everyone, bendigedig! What do you think of our poem and blog? Please leave your comments and thoughts, diolch!

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